ギタリスト作曲家 田中薫
大阪府出身 1985年生まれ。幼少期から父の影響により、絵画に慣れ親しむ。12歳の頃ギターをはじめ、バンド活動に明け暮れる学生時代を過ごす。
ボストンBerklee Summer Sessionsに参加し、アウトスタンディングミュージシャン賞受賞。2007年バークリー音楽院にてDavid Fiuczynski氏に師事する。
2010年、デビューアルバム “KARMA UNDER THE SUN”リリース。
同年には江戸期の文化にインスピレーションされたフュージョンユニットUKIYO BANDで活動をスタート。2016年に日本、ヨーロッパ、アメリカのトップミュージシャン達と二作目のソロ作品となる“Ukiyoi”をリリース。
2020年活動の母体UKIYO BANDが日本の横笛と和太鼓を迎え、UKIYO ORCHESTRAとして誕生。グループ初作品の“n.u.e”をリリース。UKIYOプロジェクトとして10周年を迎えた。
” タナカは素晴らしい進化を遂げたギタリスト、そして作曲家だ ” – デヴィッド・フュージンスキー
Guitarist, Composer
Kaoru Tanaka was born in Osaka, Japan in 1985. When he was childhood, he loved painting. He started playing the guitar at the age of 12. He had played gigs actively in school days. In 2006, he went to the India and was impacted by their cultures. This is the turning point of his life to seek own music and art with own Japanese roots. Then he went to boston to attend Berklee Summer Sessions and won Outstanding musicianship and scholarship. In 2007, he entered to the Berklee College of Music in Boston and studied guitar and composition with David Fiuczynski.
In 2010, kaoru released his debut album “KARMA UNDER THE SUN”.
Kaoru started UKIYO BAND which blends contemporary jazz music with japanese traditional elements. UKIYO BAND has been collaborated with many professional japanese traditional musicians to find new musical horizon.
In 2016, he released his 2nd album “Ukiyoi”.
“Ukiyoi” was recorded in Japan and Europe with the musicians from like Casimir Liberski, Stéphane Galland and Mark Mondesir. This album also was mixed and mastered by the legendary LA fusion keyboardist, engineer and producer Scott Kinsey.
As next step in 2019, UKIYO BAND welcomed two japanese instrumentalist then became UKIYO ORCHESTRA. The group consists of 5 piece eastern-western instruments (Fue-japanese flute-,Taiko-japanese drums-,Guirtar,Bass and Drums). UKIYO ORCHESTRA produced their first album “n.u.e” in 2020.